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What is a tradeline?

in the broadest sense, a tradeline is any account that appears on your credit report. Different types of tradelines include mortgages, auto loans, student loans, furniture loans, jewelry loans, installment loans, and of course, credit cards of all types.

However, if you made it to our website, you may be interested in purchasing tradelines, and that is something a little more specific than this broad definition listed above.

Why Would Someone Want to Buy a Tradeline?

Well, tradelines (in the broadest sense) are what make up the majority of a person’s credit report. It does not need to be said why someone’s credit report is important. We all know how important a credit report is.Opening credit accounts of various types and make all your payments on time consistently. If you do this, over time, you should have good credit. If you have errors on your credit report, you may want to consider credit repair.

What if I Currently Have Bad Credit?

If you currently have bad credit, turning that around and building good credit is the exact same process. Open new credit accounts of various types and make all your payments on time. It may take longer to rebuild your credit than it originally took to build your credit because those negative marks will remain as part of your credit report for quite some time.

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